Profile Information

Welcome to my ePortfolio home page. I work as a teacher for Co Wicklow VEC, teaching Fetac Levels 3 & 4, Maths and Electronics for post primary levels, I also deliver the Business Calculations and the Information and Communication Systems modules of the Certificate in Business Studies at the National College of Ireland on a part time basis.

  • First Name: Mark
  • Last Name: Maguire
  • Display Name: Mark Maguire
  • Occupation: Teacher
  • Email Address: markamaguire49@gmail.


The global impact of new digital technologies has the potential to allow for the widespread dissemination of information, new ideas, new methods of doing things and new opportunities for people of all races, backgrounds and abilities giving people on the margins of societies a real chance for change.

 I see eLearning essentially as a platform or vehicle for giving people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities new opportunities for their development and the development of their families and communities. By giving access to information, eLearning can help an African farmer grow better crops; it can help poor and marginalised farmers in Central America to farm their land more productively. eLearning has the potential to support the development of an educated and skilled workforce necessary to improve livelihoods, to educate and promote the preservation of our natural environment, to improve the goal of food security by promoting sustainable agricultural methods aiding in the development of prosperous economies. On a political level a well informed and better educated population can help in establishment of accountable politics and promote the building of equitable social systems.


E-learning Debates offer an unparalleled opportunity to stimulate constructive argument among leading thinkers with a shared interest in learning technologies. This video features a parliamentary style debate, from the forum "Online Education Berlin", published on 27 Aug 2015, with two opposing sides debating the motion, "This house believes that data is corrupting education". The contributors provide an earnest examination of how data impacts what we learn and how we learn it, examining the impact of data analysis on the quality of education.

E-learning Debates are intended to be a forum for high-calibre debating, where contemporary issues are discussed, ideas are challenged, and a greater understanding of the role of e-learning emerges.  


Some resources used in eResource development 

 Lloyd, C. (2008). Ohm's Law. Review of electrical math Ohm's Law. Uploaded on 8 Apr 2008.

This video explains how voltage, current and resistance interact in an Electronics circuit by using ohms law which is fundamental to understanding basic electronics, the content was important for glossary development and app selection.

Jiles, D. (2011).  Electrical Testing Devices.

Information from this source was used for the development of glossary content; it was a determinant that the basic electricity app selected contained similar content.  


 Math for Electronics (2012). Simple Electronics Courses Published on 24 Apr 2012.

This proved to be a useful source when developing the Maths for Electronics resource; exponents or index/powers are explained in detail, with practical examples of how they are used to determine values in electronic circuits. The presenter describes how simple equations are used to work out resistances, current, voltage and power in circuits. Some of this content was included in the resource slides.

 Stabilised Power Supplies from School of Design Engineering Fashion & Technology (DEFT), University of Wales, Newport

 Stabilised Power Supplies. (2010). School of Design Engineering Fashion & Technology (DEFT), © University of Wales, Newport, 2009. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution 2.0 licence.

This Slideshare presentation examines the field of voltage regulation and power supply design and construction, many of the circuits featured in this presentation are included in the eLearning resource, it provided  glossary content. This presentation contains well designed features and is technically proficient.

 Transformer (2010). The Behaviour of current and voltage in a transformer. Room C207,

This “screenr” presentation explains how voltage is stepped-up and stepped-down in a transformer, this was essential material for glossary development and app selection.

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